Focusing on things
that matter.
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Our Projects.
Grovio enhances the reading experience of online books with multimedia.
Rbooks aims to lead the digitalization of the Greek Publishing industry.
Alearning is an educational ecosystem of tools that provides reliable and effective support to children’s learning difficulties.
Civil Alert gives the ability to municipalities to alert citizens for matters of civil protection.
Watchen is a network for NFT enthusiasts. It makes discovering new projects easier and have all the details about them in one place.
About Us.
Founded by Nickolas Tazes, Readnet is an independent software studio committed to developing innovative consumer experiences. We are on a mission to harness the power of cutting-edge technologies to address diverse socioeconomic challenges and create positive change in the world. We approach technology from a creative standpoint, with an obsession with crafting beautiful user interfaces and experiences.
Readnet's activities have recently expanded to investing in bold consumer startups with ambitious goals. Get in touct with us.